What are video games

Video games are electronic games played on a variety of devices, including consoles, personal computers, mobile phones, and handheld gaming devices. They are interactive, digital games that involve a player interacting with a visual interface to achieve a goal or complete a task.
Video games have evolved significantly over the years and can encompass a wide range of genres, including action, adventure, puzzle, strategy, and sports games. They can be played solo or in multiplayer mode, and some games have even become popular as competitive esports, with professional players competing in tournaments for cash prizes.
The earliest video games were simple and often consisted of basic graphics and gameplay, but as technology has advanced, video games have become increasingly complex and sophisticated, with stunning graphics, immersive audio, and complex storylines. Many video games also have a strong social component, allowing players to connect with others around the world and build communities based on shared interests.
Video games are a popular form of entertainment, enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. They can be used for educational purposes, as well, with many games designed to teach specific skills or impart knowledge in a fun and engaging way.
